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End of an Era at the HBI: Uwe Hasebrink Retired

End of an Era at the HBI: Uwe Hasebrink Retired

Hamburg, 30.09.2021. On 1 October 2021, Prof. Dr. Uwe Hasebrink, Director of the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI), will retire early for personal reasons. Having been at the Institute since 1986, and a member of the Board of Directors from 1998, he put the Institute on a stable footing for the future when it became a member of the Leibniz Association in 2019, and has represented it as a member of the Board of Directors ever since.
Uwe Hasebrink has decisively shaped the Institute both internally and externally and has made significant advances in communication science, especially when it comes to research on media use and effects, in numerous international cooperation projects. The fields of youth media, radio and journalism research as well as media studies have also benefited from his work. Students and cooperation partners in science and practice appreciate his well thought-out and connectable impulses. As a science communicator, he has advised both media policy and public broadcasting. As a teacher, he has been able to motivate and inspire the next generation of students and academics for the subject of communication studies.
Due to Corona, a farewell party could only take place virtually with members of the Institute. "The appreciative culture that Uwe Hasebrink has established at the HBI is also noticeable to people outside the institute. We will try to maintain this and thank him sincerely for everything we were able to learn from him. Even though he, in particular, always emphasises the joint effort, it becomes clear in moments like this how influential individual research personalities like Uwe Hasebrink are," says Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulz, also a member of the Institute's Board of Directors.
The appointment procedure for Uwe Hasebrink's successor to the professorship for "Empirical Communication Studies" jointly established by the University of Hamburg and the HBI is currently underway. In addition to extensive research work at the Institute, this position is linked to teaching at the University of Hamburg. For the time being, only Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulz and Dipl.-Kffr. Kristina Hein form the Board of Directors of the HBI.
Brochure "Medienumgebungen. Auf den Spuren von Uwe Hasebrink [Media Environments. On the Trail of Uwe Hasebrink]" Available for Download
The brochure "Medienumgebungen. Auf den Spuren von Uwe Hasebrink [Media Environments. On the Trail of Uwe Hasebrink]" is intended to do justice to the extremely modest person of Uwe Hasebrink. It pays tribute to him and his work rather indirectly and looks more at the fields in which he was and is active. The texts by companions and colleagues are intended to answer questions such as “In which field/topic area has Uwe Hasebrink left his mark?” and “What does this mean for this area today and in the future?”.

You can download the brochure "Leibniz Institute for Media Research (ed.): Medienumgebungen. Auf den Spuren von Uwe Hasebrink [Media Environments. On the Trail of Uwe Hasebrink]. Hamburg: Verlag Hans-Bredow-Institut, ISBN 978-3-87296-172-3" here: https://leibniz-hbi.de/uploads/media/default/cms/media/af6dtz5_medienumgebungen_web.pdf.

With Contributions by Otfried Jarren; Wolfgang Hoffmann-Riem; Gerhard Vowe; Friedrich Krotz; Ralph Weiß; Kim Christian Schrøder; Sascha Hölig; Andreas Hepp; Claudia Lampert; Wiebke Loosen; Hans-Ulrich Wagner; Joan Kristin Bleicher; Roberto Suárez Candel; Wolfgang Schulz; Carsten Brosda; Eva Holtmannspötter; Irene Neverla; Michel Clement; Lisa Merten, Sophie Wagner and Juliane Finger as well as Paulina Keller, Lisa Thomae, Mika Parlowsky and Daniel Wehrend.

Otfried Jarren | Forschungsnetzwerker. Paradigmatische Rezeptionsforschung als Markenkern [Research Networker. Paradigmatic Reception Research as a Brand Core]

Wolfgang Hoffmann-Riem | Klimafolgenabschätzung. Wie ein Institut mit Teamfähigkeit über sich hinaus wächst [Climate Impact Assessment. How an Institute with Teamwork Surpasses Itself]

Gerhard Vowe | Blick und Griff: Wie Uwe Hasebrink die Kommunikationswissenschaft prägt [Gaze and Grasp: How Uwe Hasebrink Shaped Communication Science]

Friedrich Krotz | Die Entstehung einer Teildisziplin Mediennutzungsforschung im Rahmen der Kommunikationswissenschaft [The Emergence of a Sub-Discipline Media Usage Research within Communication Studies]

Ralph Weiß | „Ich bin viele Zielgruppen“. Was es braucht, damit eine wissenschaftliche Innovation Spuren hinterlässt ["I Am Many Target Groups". What It Takes for a Scientific Innovation to Leave a Mark]

Kim Christian Schrøder | Beyond News as We Know It. Young People’s Cross-Media Information Repertoires

Sascha Hölig | Was die Leute so alles interessiert… Mediennutzung leicht erklärt [What People Are Interested In... Media Use Explained Easily]

Andreas Hepp | Kommunikative Figurationen als Konzept: Wie man Mediennutzungsforschung mit der Analyse gesellschaftlicher Medienwirkungen verbindet [Communicative Figurations as a Concept: How to Combine Media Use Research with the Analysis of Social Media Effects]

Claudia Lampert | More Risk, More Responsibility. Herausforderungen des Medienwandels für Kinder und Jugendliche [Challenges of Media Change for Children and Young People]

Wiebke Loosen | „Wer hat Angst vorm Publikum? Niemand! Und wenn es kommt …?“ Wie Journalismus und Journalismusforschung das Publikum (wieder-)entdeckten ["Who Is Afraid of the Audience? Nobody! And if It Comes ...?" How Journalism and Journalism Research (Re)Discovered the Audience]

Hans-Ulrich Wagner | Hören im Alltag! Impulse für die Radio- und Audioforschung [Listening in Everyday Life! Impulses for Radio and Audio Research]

Joan Kristin Bleicher | Vom Programm zur Nutzung: Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft im Dialog  [From Programme to Use: Media and Communication Studies in Dialogue]

Roberto Suárez Candel | A Societal Future for Public Service Media. The Questions Posed by Uwe Hasebrink

Wolfgang Schulz | Von Gremien und Primaten. Wie gelingt Wissenschaftskommunikation? [Of Committees and Primates. How Does Science Communication Succeed?]

Carsten Brosda | Nachrichten, News, Nano-Wahrheiten. Über gelingende Kommunikation und was Uwe Hasebrink damit zu tun hat [News, News, Nano-Truths. On Successful Communication and What Uwe Hasebrink Has to Do with It]

Eva Holtmannspötter | Fragen und Antworten. Zu den Herausforderungen für den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk [Questions and Answers. On the Challenges for Public Service Broadcasting]

Irene Neverla | Lehrendes Forschen, forschendes Lehren. Über Freude am Erkenntnisgewinn in einer wertschätzenden Gemeinschaft [Teaching Research, Researching Teaching. On the Joy of Gaining Knowledge in an Appreciative Community]

Michel Clement | Interdisziplinär und international! Was wir von Uwe Hasebrink über Nachwuchsförderung lernen können [Interdisciplinary and International! What We Can Learn from Uwe Hasebrink about Promoting Young Researchers]

Lisa Merten / Sophie Wagner / Juliane Finger | Die subtile Kunst des letzten Redebeitrags. Aufwachsen in Hasebrinkschen Wissenschaftsumgebungen [The Subtle Art of the Last Speech. Growing Up in Hasebrink's Science Environments]

Paulina Keller / Lisa Thomae / Mika Parlowsky / Daniel Wehrend | Was macht eine gute Lehre aus? Wieso Uwe Hasebrink eine große Lücke hinterlassen wird [What Makes Good Teaching? Why Uwe Hasebrink Will Leave a Big Gap Behind]
About the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)
The research perspective of the Hans-Bredow-Institut focuses on media transformation and related structural changes of public communication. With its cross-medial, interdisciplinary and independent research, it combines basic research and transfer research, and thus, generates knowledge on issues relevant for politics, commerce and civil society. In 2019, the institute was accepted into the Leibniz Association. More at https://leibniz-hbi.de/en
Christiane Matzen


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