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Dr. Mariëlle Wijermars

Dr. Mariëlle Wijermars

Research Fellow at Post Doc Kolleg "Algorithmed Public Spheres" from February until May 2018.

Doctor of Philosophy Mariëlle Wijermars from the Aleksanteri Institute of the University of Helsinki is research fellow at the Kolleg "Algorithmed Public Spheres" from February until May 2018.

Marielle works as a postdoctoral researcher at the Aleksanteri Institute and is primarily affiliated with the Russian Media Lab. She is the co-founder of the recently launched seminar and research network Digital Russia Studies. Her current research concerns media and internet governance in Russia, online freedom of speech and digital activism.

Previously, she lectured in East European Studies at the University of Amsterdam and defended her doctoral dissertation Memory Politics in Contemporary Russia: Television, Cinema and the State in 2016 at the University of Groningen (forthcoming with Routledge). Her research interests lie at the intersection of politics, political communication, mass and online media in contemporary Russia.

As an APS fellow at the Hans-Bredow-Institut, she conducted a study on Russian news aggregators in the period around the Russian presidential elections of March 2018. What has been the effect of Russia's “anti-fake news” regulation on news aggregators and what news items do (not) get displayed?

Dr. Mariëlle Wijermars

Fellow at the Kolleg "Algorithmed Public Spheres"

University of Helsinki
Russian Media Lab
Aleksanteri Institute
Finnish Centre for Russion and Eastern European Studies
P.o. Box 42 (Unioninkatu 33)
00014 University of Helsinki
mobil: +358 (0)50 31 57 36

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