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Dr. David Morar

Dr. David Morar

David Morar, PhD, was a virtual guest researcher at the HBI from January until the end of September 2021. He is a researcher and public policy professional, a three time ICANN Fellow, who has done work throughout the spectrum of technology policy issues, both nationally and internationally, from privacy and open data to ethics and content issues (e.g. disinformation, moderation). As a Fellow at the Leibniz-Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute, David Morar will be working closely with Dr. Matthias Kettemann.
As well, David Morar currently is a Data Policy Postdoctoral Fellow at NYU Steinhardt, and a Fellow at the Digital Interests Lab. He is also Fellow with the Public Interest Technology Project at New America, an Associate Researcher at the Big Data Science Laboratory at the West University of Timisoara, Romania; and a Researcher at the Center for Advanced Studies in Public Policy, Governance at Paraiba State University, Brazil. Most recently he was a Visiting Scholar at the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University, and  Policy Manager focusing on disinformation and data science ethics with Data for Democracy, and has previously been a Google Policy Fellow with the Global Network Initiative and the Internet Education Foundation, among other fellowship positions.

His research focuses on the intersection of technology, ethics, and policy, as it impacts emerging technologies, innovation, and governance, with both breadth and depth. He has experience with National Science Foundation grants, and is a skilled writer. His dissertation looked at novel governance structures, in particular multistakeholderism, and its application to emerging technologies, with case studies on Internet Governance institutions.

David Morar is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Communication Technology, has served a full term on the Policy Council (the Board) of the Association for Public Policy and Management, and on the Executive Committee of the Information Technology and Politics of the American Political Science Association, and is a member of the Executive Committee of the Non-Commercial User Constituency within ICANN. He has served on several academic Conference Program Committees, and is a reviewer for the Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review. Along with his academic and popular publishing work, he has published op-eds on content moderation (Wall Street JournalSan Francisco ChronicleInternet Governance Project BlogTechDirt) and data governance (San Francisco Chronicle).

Personal Website
David Morar on Twitter - @morar

Dr. David Morar

Guest Researcher Technology and Governance

Leibniz-Institut für Medienforschung | Hans-Bredow-Institut
Rothenbaumchaussee 36
20148 Hamburg

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